Sunday, April 20, 2008

Takin' it to the Street

I just wanted to share some pictures of Street Ministry this week. We had an amazing time, and the Lord gave us many opportunities to have one-to-one conversations. I had a wonderful chance to give the entire gospel message to to guys, Castro & Max. Pray for these guys! Someone tried to interrupt and Dan J intervened and ended up witnessing to him for about 20 minutes. Dave R knelt by a man who has lost his wife, kids, job, health, and home to alcohol and shared with him the good news. Rich W preached an excellent sermon about finding peace with God and had some engaged listeners. Alex S was witnessing with an open Bible sharing scriptures. Andy H was home watching his kids, but I had this picture from the week before, so I thought I'd throw it up.


Hindsey said...

Praise be to God, it seems this year has been a much more 'fruit-seeing' year than years past.

David S Baker said...

man i miss going down there, i see these pics and it reminds me of all the past trips down there and how God used one of the most unlikey people in the world to do his will. i would like to see that happen again real soon!!!

Mr. Young said...